Hozelock’s 13mm Drip Line with 4 lph pressure compensating drip emitters (pre-installed along its entire length and evenly spaced every 30cm) allows for precise calculation of flow requirements and delivers efficient watering and easier installation. It delivers water evenly along the entire length of the hose at a flow rate of 4 litres/hour, direct to plant roots. Combine with micro-irrigation fittings to efficiently water your garden.
A simple watering solution – the pressure compensating drippers deliver a precise amount of water regardless of changes in pressure caused by long rows or changes in the landscape, making it ideal for hedges, large areas or uneven and sloping terrain.
Above ground or semi-underground installation – drips water directly into the soil, putting water exactly where it’s needed – the root zone of plants.

Precise watering and reduction in water wastage – which helps to keep foliage dry and free from fungal growth in addition to being great for the environment.
Installation is quick and easy – all you need to do is lay the pipe through planted areas (flower beds, borders, hedgerows, etc.), cap off the end, connect to a garden tap and you’re set to go.
Compatible with timers or programmers – for maximum convenience, the hose can be used with a water controller to automate the watering process.